
纪录片 俄罗斯 2017 


《被遗忘的英雄》是一部由Павел Сергацков担任导演的综艺,综艺计划于2017年上映。这部纪录片综艺讲述的是The project provisionally titled “Forgotten Leaders” is a series of seven films, each featuring an individual from the leaders of the Soviet state in power during the time period from 1920 to 1953. Each episode is a filmed portrait depicting the story of life, political and public activities of its hero. The heroes of “The Forgotten Leaders” areindividuals ambiguous from the perspective of the Russian and world’s history and odious and often sharply negative in the eyes of public consciousness. Unfortunately, when labeling, we often forget that “each individual总的来说,虽然关于《被遗忘的英雄》的信息还不是很多,但可以期待这部纪录片综艺会给观众带来一场精彩的视听盛宴。


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