

主演:Sadeq Saba

导演:Bahman Kiarostami、Mehrdad Oskouei

纪录片 英国 2009 


《伊朗的味道》是一部由担任编剧,Bahman Kiarostami、Mehrdad Oskouei担任导演的综艺。该片的主演包括Sadeq Saba。综艺计划于2009年上映。这部纪录片综艺讲述的是BBC journalist Sadeq Saba takes a personal journey around a country of which he is fiercely proud, and it soon becomes apparent that there is a lot more to Iran than nuclear standoffs and mullahs.In a country suspicious of the outside media, this is a rare opportunity to meet ordinary Iranians going about their daily lives - shopping, cooking, working and h*ing fun.Saba banters with his feisty sister Fariba about women's rights, relaxes with tea pickers amid mountainous rolling plantations, br*es leeches to joke with rice planters and receives tips on how to eat candy floss from the factory floor.The recent political struggles are nowhere, partly because it was filmed before the contested election in June 2009 but also because what we are seeing is the essence of a deep sense of Persian identity, buffeted by struggles past and present yet still enduring.Sadeq, who is the head of the BBC's Persian TV channel, relishes every encounter, be it gastronomic or historical. He visits the stunning ancient monument of Persepolis, hidden from the world until 70 years ago, wanders through ancient bazaars and takes a tour through the magnificent former capital of Isfahan.Islam and its influence throughout society is apparent, but thriving communities of minority religions - Zoroastrians, Christians and Jews - are also in evidence.Sadeq concludes that he comes from a rich and ancient culture which still lives on in the psyche of Iranians today. But it is the warmth, hospitality and sense of fun that shines through.影片中的主要演员还未确定,但可以确定的是,这部纪录片综艺将会有一些知名演员加盟。预告片还未发布,但可以期待在未来几个月内看到更多关于这部纪录片综艺的信息。上映时间也还未确定,但可以猜测这部纪录片综艺可能会在2009年上映。总的来说,虽然关于《伊朗的味道》的信息还不是很多,但可以期待这部纪录片综艺会给观众带来一场精彩的视听盛宴。



BBC journalist Sadeq Saba takes a personal journey around a country of which he is fiercely proud, and it soon becomes apparent that there is a lot more to Iran than nuclear standoffs and mullahs.In a country suspicious of the outside media, this is a rare opportunity to meet ordinary Iranians going about their daily lives - shopping, cooking, working and h*ing fun.Saba banters with his feisty sister Fariba about women's rights, relaxes with tea pickers amid mountainous rolling plantations, br*es leeches to joke with rice planters and receives tips on how to eat candy floss from the factory floor.The recent political struggles are nowhere, partly because it was filmed before the contested election in June 2009 but also because what we are seeing is the essence of a deep sense of Persian identity, buffeted by struggles past and present yet still enduring.Sadeq, who is the head of the BBC's Persian TV channel, relishes every encounter, be it gastronomic or historical. He visits the stunning ancient monument of Persepolis, hidden from the world until 70 years ago, wanders through ancient bazaars and takes a tour through the magnificent former capital of Isfahan.Islam and its influence throughout society is apparent, but thriving communities of minority religions - Zoroastrians, Christians and Jews - are also in evidence.Sadeq concludes that he comes from a rich and ancient culture which still lives on in the psyche of Iranians today. But it is the warmth, hospitality and sense of fun that shines through.









在《伊朗的味道》这部综艺中,你觉得Sadeq Saba的演技怎么样??

爱奇艺网友:感谢您对Sadeq Saba和他在《伊朗的味道》中的演技的赞赏。Sadeq Saba是备受认可的英国演员,他在影视作品中展现出出色的演技和情感表达能力。他能够准确把握角色的情感,并通过精湛的表演向观众呈现出更好的作品。这种演技的肯定和认可是对他努力和才华的肯定,也是对整个团队的辛勤付出的认可。希望他能继续在未来的作品中展现出更多精彩的表演。


腾讯视频网友:该片的主演包括Sadeq Saba。







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