



剧情 美国 1940 





《野性》是一部由辛克莱·刘易斯担任编剧,乔治·阿切因波特担任导演的电影。该片的主演包括雷·米兰德、帕特里西亚·莫里森、阿基姆·坦米罗夫、威廉·弗劳利、简·达威尔。电影计划于1940年上映。这部剧情电影讲述的是Dr. Bill Crawford, on a hunting trip to Canada, is attacked by a bear and his guide, Joe Easter, s*es his life and takes the badly-mauled Crawford to his cabin home, where he lives with his beautiful young wife, Alverna. Leaning Bill there to recover, Joe goes on a prolonged hunting trip and Bill and Alverna fall in love. The local doctor, Billar, dies during an operation which Bill completes and then decides to remain in Lost Lake and continue his practice there...close to Alverna. The lovers decide that, in fairness to Joe, Bill must return to his former city. But an epidemic of streptococcus breaks out in the Lost Lake village. Bill, untrained in the ways of the primeval woods, sets out in a raging blizzard, in search of the messenger who had been sent to the nearest town for a special serum needed to break the epidemic. Fearing for his life, Alverna follows him and they find the messenger dead in his automobile, with the serum by his side. Exhausted they stagger into a deserted cabin and drowse into unconsciousness. Meanwhile, Joe, back from his hunting trip, is persuaded by the village gossips that his wife has run off with Bill. He starts after them, in his dog-sled, with murder in his heart. 影片中的主要演员还未确定,但可以确定的是,这部剧情电影将会有一些知名演员加盟。预告片还未发布,但可以期待在未来几个月内看到更多关于这部剧情电影的信息。上映时间也还未确定,但可以猜测这部剧情电影可能会在1940年上映。总的来说,虽然关于《野性》的信息还不是很多,但可以期待这部剧情电影会给观众带来一场精彩的视听盛宴。



Dr. Bill Crawford, on a hunting trip to Canada, is attacked by a bear and his guide, Joe Easter, s*es his life and takes the badly-mauled Crawford to his cabin home, where he lives with his beautiful young wife, Alverna. Leaning Bill there to recover, Joe goes on a prolonged hunting trip and Bill and Alverna fall in love. The local doctor, Billar, dies during an operation which Bill completes and then decides to remain in Lost Lake and continue his practice there...close to Alverna. The lovers decide that, in fairness to Joe, Bill must return to his former city. But an epidemic of streptococcus breaks out in the Lost Lake village. Bill, untrained in the ways of the primeval woods, sets out in a raging blizzard, in search of the messenger who had been sent to the nearest town for a special serum needed to break the epidemic. Fearing for his life, Alverna follows him and they find the messenger dead in his automobile, with the serum by his side. Exhausted they stagger into a deserted cabin and drowse into unconsciousness. Meanwhile, Joe, back from his hunting trip, is persuaded by the village gossips that his wife has run off with Bill. He starts after them, in his dog-sled, with murder in his heart.



















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